How We Work

We deliver outstanding results by working closely with your team and coordinating our efforts with your key needs and "must-haves". Our processes are collaborative and iterative.

Our project process normally begins with a discovery meeting to learn about our client's needs, must-haves, and initial project details.

As it has been said often, the Devil is in the Details. Many times, but not always, clients will have architectural drawings of their new weight room or field house with weight room details. Initially providing proposed room dimensions, door and window positions, as well as other defining elements such as columns. These architectural drawings are part of the second phase of the 7 Phases of Architectural Design Process.

During this discovery session, we will typically cover important items such as;

  • Number of athletes to be accommodated
  • Style of programming & training
  • Floor surface needs - impact needs, plyometrics, agility turf
  • Egress and ingress needs
  • Branding needs

Brilliant Design with Purpose


For simplicity, we have broken down the design process for your new weight room or weight room upgrade into 3 Steps. In reality, these steps can be broken down into several additional small steps.

New Weight Room Design Step 1


In Step 1 we are entering into the most critical point of the design process. Collecting and discovering all of the intimate details of the project, from:

  • Size of space with proper room dimensions
  • Needs within the space
  • Total use of the space
  • Training style
  • Expected budget or budget forecast
  • Project timeline
Many times when we first meet with our customers, they are not as well prepared as we would like. They are in the beginning stages of a new weight room or field house build and they don't have a floor plan or room size to begin with. This can be challenging, but also helpful in many cases. At this point, we would back into the room size with a discovery of their needs, rather than simply taking the room size that their architect and design firm hands them. Considering how many athletes, training principles, and level of athletic training will give us a great lead-in to prescribing the needed room size.
All too often, coaches are not involved in the early stages of the weight room size and location and this will add to the challenges they face. Location of the weight room, proximately to locker room spaces, laundry services, and the training room. Most high school weight programs are limited on time in the weight room. If the access point to the locker room and weight room are not optimized, programs will lose valuable minutes for the athletes to change and be ready to train. Additional loss of time in the reverse, for the athletes, to return to class or leave school after training and collecting their personal gear.


In Step 2, We are working directly with the Layout Process to produce options with a 2D drawing. We are taking all of the details collected during the discovery process (Step 1) and begin to tell your story. Creating a well-designed space must account for, but is not limited to the following:
  • Safety
  • Comfort
  • Utility
  • Efficiency
  • Motivating
Laying out a weight room that incorporates the five areas of interest noted above and many more elements is critical. Safety is reached with proper station separation. egress and ingress lanes. This is also the first step in showing our customers a design level to provide them a true spatial apperception of their space. Too often equipment companies and coaches try to squeeze another station or two into the space, delivering an unsafe space. Utility and efficiency can be grouped together as providing a strong utility-based design that will give the coach everything they need to follow their training principles. Lastly, motivation is a must! Weight room design must be motivating, with eye candy for the athlete. Individual and team motivation, along with strong recruiting currency, can be reached with a smart design incorporating team colors and mascot/logo branding. Today's leading weight room equipment manufacturers have learned the importance of custom branding.

New Weight Room Design Step 3


Grayscale 3D - Overhead View


Grayscale 3D - Side View with Super Bridge


Photorealistic 3D - Side View with Ceiling


Photorealistic 3D - Full View with Super Bridge

Our Step 3 is the accumulation of all of the previous steps and micro-steps, to tell your story. Telling your story of what to expect in your completed new or renovated weight room. We take all of the design elements into consideration, incorporating details such as elevation to show ceiling height and ceiling/lighting finishes, and solar treatments to show natural lighting and shadows. Our design experts show high levels of details like textures of paint finishes and flooring, to provide a photorealistic rendering that will compete with most any photo presentation.
The value propositions of our photorealistic renderings are many, but the most popular are the value that it brings to sharing your story with stakeholders and decision-makers, as well as sponsors or contributors to your financial needs. There's nothing like showing the plan that leads to an emotional attachment. There is also a strong value in showing what you are making decision on before signing off on them and committing to spending your budget. Better safe than sorry in this case.
Help With My Weight Room

7 Phases of Architectural Design

The seven phases in the architectural design process are, in order:

Planning Your New Weight Room


Get Started with Your New Weight Room Design